Allison’s grandfather J.C. Allison negotiated a lot of business deals, including an International Treaty with the President of Mexico (in this photo). J.C. Allison was an engineer, who also competed against William Mulholland to bring water to Los Angeles in the 1930s. Allison lived in La Jolla with his wife Lotta. The couple entertained dignitaries, and went to some of the first red carpets in Hollywood.

Family Heritage
Within each chapter of “Playing for Keeps,” Allison shares lessons learned and the history of how her prominent line of ancestors followed the same principles for success.
Therese Allison always felt like her family struggled because her dad was a carpet salesman making $25,000/year. As a result, Allison took on more responsibility and learned the importance of winning and earning money at an early age.

Then in 1992, her father, Gould Allison, started researching their heritage and discovered a blue blood line that includes her great grandmother Mary Churchill (from the Devonshire Churchills, Winston Churchill and Lady Diana Spencer). Allison’s great, great grandparents were business partners and a relative to CA Governor Robert Waterman. Waterman was one of two delegates at the first Republican National Convention in 1856, the second was his friend, Abraham Lincoln. Waterman helped deliver Illinois to put Lincoln in the White House in 1860.